WEEK OF JANUARY 26-30,2015

Dear Parents,

This week we will be learning the letter Oo. The vocabulary we will be focusing on is: ostrich, on, owl, onion, otter, off, octagon. octopus, olives, ox.

Story of the week:
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly is a fictional story, based off of the traditional song, about an old lady who swallows a series of things such as a fly, a spider, a bird...etc. The story shows all of the things that she consumes and repeats them as the reader continues through out the story. It also shows what is occurring in her stomach after eating all of the creatures.

Some more stories we will be reading:

In Math we will using water beads to do counting activities, creating patterns with beads, and we will be learning the number 12.



Students will identify community helpers and understand what each job is.  They will know how each occupation is helpful and identify several characteristics for each community helper.   
The students will use critical thinking skills and apply this to their own life.  They will dress up as the community helper they would like to be when they grow up and explain the reason of their choice in a presentation. Please help your child by practicing this at home and to come dressed as the community helper they choose by Friday, January 30th.  Thanks for your help!


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY – This Wednesday is an early dismissal day for our students (11:45 a.m.) We will follow A.M. Schedule. Our staff will meet at 1:00 p.m. in the Library, and work the rest of the afternoon in the AdvancedEd accreditation process.

SUNSHINE SCHOOL FRIENDLY SPORTS ACTIVITIES – Sunshine School will visit our school for several friendly activities on Wednesday, January 28. Our Grades K-2 will be participating in games and races, and grades 3-8 will be playing friendly soccer matches. Our students should wear comfortable P.E. clothes on this day, and bring sunscreen.

DPTO FUN RUN - The DPTO has been working hard to organize the annual Fun Run, which will be held this year this Saturday, January 30. The activity will begin with registration of our runners at 8:30 a.m., followed by the run at 9:00 a.m. and the traditional pancake breakfast at around 9:45 a,m. Pledge forms were distributed with the report cards last Friday. The DPTO would appreciate parents who are interested in helping with the preparation and distribution of the breakfast, or want to donate pastries for this day, to contact Ms. Karla Soto (dsmarketing@discoveryschool.edu.hn) or Ms. Cristiana to see what they can help with. Proceeds from all DPTO activities will be destined to furnish our school’s new beautiful nurse area.

BRICKS4KIDS – As an after school activity for our younger students, the school has been in contact with Bricks4 kidz to offer six one-hour, Friday- afternoon sessions beginning on Friday, January 30 from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.. Following the We learn-We build-We play approach, Bricks 4 Kidz after-school classes build on the universal popularity of LEGO® bricks to deliver a high quality of educational play.  For more information on its educational value, visit http://www.bricks4kidz.com/  http://www.bricks4kidz.com/  

SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS - Scholastic Book Club leaflets are out. This is an optional activity offered by the school, because we know you want to motivate your child to read at home.  With your purchase, our library will accumulate points to redeem more books for the benefit of your children in our school.  The due date to purchase the books online is this Friday, January 30. The books will arrive to the school in one single delivery, and we will distribute them to the students according to their orders, approximately three weeks after the purchase due date.

CAYOS COCHINOS - As part of TES, Trabajo Educativo Social, the 12th graders will be going to Cayos Cochinos  on March 2 to 7  to assist the community of Cayo Mayor. The Alfonso Lacayo Public School is in need of school materials, so the Senior class has decided to conduct a school supply drive. They would appreciate any and all donations but wish to ask the following classes that each student contributes the following:
Nursery and Kinder – I pack of 12 colored markers
1st and 2nd – 2 pencil sharpeners
3rd and 4th – 1 pack of 12 colored pencils
5th – 2 scissors
6th to 8th – 2 normal sized composition notebooks
9th – 1 blue, black and red pen
10th – 1 pack of 12 pencils and two erasers
11th – 4 UHU glue sticks

WE WOULD ALSO GREATLY APPRECIATE ANY SPANISH BOOK DONATIONS. Please help not only the Senior class, but also the inhabitants of Cayo Mayor.

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