WEEK OF MAY 4-8, 2015

Dear Parents,

This week we are going to be working with the letter Yy.. The vocabulary that we are going to be focusing on is the following: yo-yo, yellow, yak, yolk, yarn, yell, yardstick, yard, yawn, yatch.

Story of the week:

Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:

In Math we will be reviewing numbers 1-12, counting and writing numbers activities.



Theme Objectives:+ Learn about a variety of insects
Learn about the life cycle of insects
+Identify and name insect body parts
+Learn the concept of camouflage
+Learn about insect habitats
+Learn about insect diets

As you all know, Mother´s Day is celebrated the second Sunday of May.  We would like to invite all of our MOMMIES AND DADDIES to have breakfast with your child on this day at 8:00 a.m. We are planning on having something nice prepared for you. We hope you can come and spend some time with your child at school.

Progress Reports went home last Thursday. Please sign them and send them back with your child to school as soon as possible. It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of the school year!!!


DISCOVERY IDOL AUDITIONS– Our annual talent show is around the corner! Students can audition their songs, dances or other talents this Thursday, May 7, and Friday 8. The talent show will take place on Wednesday, May 20 at 10:15 p.m. 

The Cowboy Carnival this Friday, May 8. Please join our school community for a fun-filled, Cowboy themed evening. There will be attractive cowboy games and delicious food for sale, and the opportunity to watch an amazing movie will having a picnic dinner under the stars!  The DPTO is offering a Pizza Party to the Grade that has the most parents attending the General Assembly!
The school’s Spring General Assembly will take place next Saturday, may 16 at 9:00 a.m. It is VERY IMPORTANT for our parents to attend to vote on the 1025-2016 school calendar and budget.

PINEAPPLE INITIATIVE – If you purchase a pineapple for your home consumption, please send the crown on the pineapple in a bag to school as soon as possible. There is an innovative initiative to plant (and sell) Discovery harvested pineapples!

SUMMER CAMP – Discovery Zone 6 is back! Get an early registration! The Summer Camp will run from June 8-26, from 8:00 to 11: 50 a.m.  Please ask Ms. Valencia Duron for more information vduron@discoveryschool.edu.hn

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