WEEK OF AUGUST 24-28, 2015

Dear Parents, 

We are going to be working with the letter Bb. The vocabulary for this letter is: ball, butterfly, balloon, bear, bed, bat, bee, book, bat, bird,box.

Some of the books we are going to be reading this week :

In Math we are going to work with one to one correspondence and numbers one-five.

Resultado de imagen de my family

 A family is a source of love and security for a young child. Children will enjoy talking about their families, sharing stories and learning to be part of a family.
The children will: Know that a family is the people who live with you, Learn there are all kinds of families,Identify people in their family.

Rhymes for this week:


Please remember to check your child’s folder every single day and send it back to school the next day. Remember that this is the best way for you to communicate with us. My Daily PK Notebook needs to come sign by parents every Monday!

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