The Preschool students are putting their minds to work. They have been very active learning the primary colors, red, yellow, and blue. They also learned the basic shapes circle, square, and triangle. In math, they did several exercises to practice one-on-one correspondence.

This week we will introduce the color green and the rectangle shape. We will do many sorting activities.  Sorting is a skill your child will use throughout his life. He/she  will use sorting skills anytime he puts away his toys, organizes his clothes, arranges his desk or empties the dishwasher. Recognizing groups of objects that belong together requires logical thinking, an important skill for all children (and adults) to have.

Sorting is generally an activity taught as part of the preschool or kindergarten math curriculum. It is a fun, hands-on activity for young children that can easily be done at home!

Why sorting is an important skill

When sorting objects, a child must decide which characteristic or attribute is the determining factor when dividing objects into groups. Attributes often deal with the size, shape, color, or texture of the items being sorted. Once a single attribute or characteristic is chosen, the child must analyze each object to decide where it belongs.

In language arts the children will learn finger plays and rhymes. This week they will learn the finger play ¨Five Little Squirrels¨ 

To develop fine motor skills the children will practice lacing, cutting, and tracing exercises.

On Monday September 3, all the students will attend a school assembly to commemorate “El Día de la Bandera”. On this day we initiate the month of Independence of Honduras. The school is planning many activities to celebrate this event and we will keep you up to date.


MAP Training

One of the items on the School Improvement Plan for the 2012-2013 school year is: Further Develop the use of the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) data to improve student learning.

To meet that goal, we have arranged for a trainer from the Northwest Education Association to come to Tegucigalpa and provide a 3-day training for our teachers. On Wednesday, September 5, Ivonne, Kimmie, Florencia and Ashley J. will attend. On Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7, all of our elementary homeroom teachers and some of the secondary teachers will attend.

There will be NO school for Nursery to Grade 5 on Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7.

Our teachers are making the necessary accommodations in the delivery of the curriculum to make sure that this does not affect the learning of our students. As only a few of the secondary teachers will attend the training,

the Middle and High School students will have classes as normal on Thursday and Friday, September 6 and 7.

We thank our parents for their support and understanding in this matter, and encourage anyone who has a question to email our Head of School at

DPTO MEETING THIS WEEK - The Discovery Parent Teacher Organization is holding its first meeting on Wednesday, September 5 from 7:30am to 8:15am. The agenda items include: general information about the DPTO, activities for the school year, budget, and organizing the United Nations Day. A light morning snack will be provided. 

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