Dear Parents,

This week we will learn about the letter Ff. We will be discussing the following vocabulary for this letter: frog, fish, fan, fire, fork, fox, flower, flamingo, five, feather.

In Math we will be doing activities with the number 6.


Please bring a bag of Goldfish crackers by Tuesday, October 1. We will be doing counting activities with this crackers.

Our shape for this week is the Rectangle.

This week we will learn the rhyme: ''Five Little Speckled Frogs''

We will review Parts of the Body:
mouth, nose, head, eyes, ears, arms, body, feet, hands, knees, toes, elbow.

Stories to read:

DONATIONS NEEDED: “Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” is an organization aiming to help children from public schools that cannot afford notebooks. In order to help, the organization makes notebooks out of cereal boxes and pages from used notebooks. They are now collecting cereal boxes until November 20, and we encourage our students and teachers to bring cereal boxes from their homes. At the end of the contest, the grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

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