Dear Parents,
This week we will have a Dr. Seuss story time every day of the week!
We are going to be exposing the students to a variety of his books. If you happen to have books of Dr. Seuss, we are kindly requesting you to send them with your child to school. We will be sending them back on Friday. Dr. Seuss has a collection of more than 50 books and we would really like the children to be exposed to the majority of them. We are going to be watching and reading his biography. We will also be watching and reading some of the stories that the children are not familiar with.

Some of the stories that we will be watching and reading this week are the following:

In order to honor Dr. Seuss’ birthday, lower elementary will be doing many different activities throughout the following week. Here is the dress-up calendar for next week:

Monday: Pijama Day

Tuesday: Mix –Match Day

Wednesday: Crazy Hair Day

Thursday: Hat and tie Day

Friday: Red, White & Blue Day (Thing1 & Thing 2)­

Thanks a million for all your help!

This week we will be learning about the letter Vv. The vocabulary we are going to be focusing on is: vacuum, vase, vegetables, vest, violin, volcano, veterinarian

In Math we will do a shape graphing activity, we will work with number mats to work with play dough and children will practice counting using Legos and dot markers.

This week we will begin a new theme: ''OCEAN ANIMALS'' The vocabulary for our theme is: whale, crab, octopus, fish, turtle, dolphin, shark, jellyfish, seaweed, seahorse.

YEARBOOK PICTURES UPDATE - Order forms for the yearbook pictures were sent home last week. Please make sure to send your form back with the exact amount of money or a check. We will be receiving orders until March 11th.
CHRONICLES OF DISCOVERY SCHOOL - Each year at Discovery School we host the event "Chronicles of Discovery," destined to promote literature and art developed by our students and reward those whose works excel in these areas. The event is organized by the students of the AP Literature and Composition class. Throughout the award ceremony, students conduct art exhibition, musical performance, and recitation, among other activities. There will also be live music and refreshments for everyone to enjoy.
We would like to invite you to Chronicles of Discovery and help us fund it. The event is sponsored by companies and donations from parents. Any sum of money is welcomed, and may be delivered to Mr. Fenn (high school building, Room #3). Thank you for helping us promote the artistic school spirit. We hope to see you at the event on April 25.



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