WEEK OF AUGUST 15-19, 2016

Dear Parents,

This week we will keep focusing with helping children understand routines and classroom schedules.


  •   Activities and procedures that occur regularly 
  •   Often involve a series of responses 
  •  Preschool routines typically include :
  •  Arrival time 
  •  Bathroom time 
  •  Cleanup time 
  •  Departure 
  •  Nap time 
  •  Snack time 
  •  Story time

Daily Schedule 

  •  Blocks of time for classroom activities 
  •  Sequence of classroom activities 
  •  Preschool schedules typically include:

 • Group or circle time
 • Activity or center time 
• Snack time
 • Outdoor time
 • Story time

Routines and Schedules Are Important Because:

 • They influence a child’s emotional, cognitive, and social development. 
• They help children feel secure.
 • They help children understand expectations. 
• They help reduce behavior problems. 
• They can result in higher rates of child engagement.
• Because they are repetitive, schedules and routines help children learn classroom activities. 
• Children are able to predict what will happen next and this helps them feel secure and prepared. • Classrooms with consistent schedules and routines facilitate children’s understanding of the learning environment expectations. 
• Children who are familiar with classroom schedules and routines are more likely to be engaged, attentive, and learn new knowledge.

This week we will learn the Nursery Rhyme:

''This is the way we go to school''


''Yaker Goes to School''

We will be learning all about the color ''RED''

Friday we will have a color red party, children need to come dressed with red clothes and bring something red for snack.


''My School''

Vocabulary of the Week: crayons, scissors, pencils, glue, markers.

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