Dear Parents,

We hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing Independence Holiday weekend, and that your batteries are recharged to come back to school.

Thanks to all our wonderful parents for the delicious food and drinks that were sent for Desayuno Catracho. The children had a great time celebrating the Honduran Independence.

Midterm Reports were issued last Thursday, September 11th. Please go over them, sign them and send them back to school. If you would like a conference, and one was not requested, please call the school to set up an appointment.

This week we will review letter from a-e, sound and vocabulary.

We will review numbers from 1-5, counting, matching and sequencing.

This week we will start a new theme '' Parts of the Body'' the vocabulary we will be covering is: mouth, nose, eyes, ears, tummy, chest, hands, knees, toes, feet, elbow, head, face.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Next Saturday, September 27 is our School's Fall General Assembly. We invite our parents to come, stay informed of what is going on in school and watch a video of our Choir in Carnegie Hall this past June!. 

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