Dear Parents,

This week we will be learning about the letter Ff. The vocabulary we will be covering is: frog, fish, feather, fox, fire, fence, feet, flower, fan, fork, flamingo, flute, firefly.

Our Story of the week:

Stories we will be reading:

In Math we will be doing a graphing activity for this, we need the children to bring a bag of Goldfish crackers.
Thanks for your help!

We will also practice tracing numbers, matching numbers with quantity and sequencing numbers.

We will continue with our theme ''Parts of the Body'' Children will learn body parts using various songs, games and other activities.  Students  will learn how to recognize parts of the body such as the eyes, nose, hands and feet as well as understand their use.

Rhyme of the Week:

 Please Read This Important Information:

EM TECH AUDIT – Our school is being visited by a Technology team this week. They will be meeting with teachers, students, admin and parents. If you would like to come and talk to them join us for conversation on Friday, September 26 at 2:00 p.m. in the Library. (Schedule and Personal Information of Tech Specialists follows this note).

GENERAL ASSEMBLY – Our Fall General Assembly will take place this Saturday, September 27 at 9:00 a.m. in the school cafeteria. We invite all our parents to come and stay informed about important school decisions.

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