Dear Parents,

We hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! 

This week we will be learning about the letter Gg. The vocabulary for letter Gg is: goat, girl, gate, gum, grapes, garden, goose, grass, guitar, gift.

Our story of the week:

We will also read :

This week we will be learning about ''Our Five Senses'' Our senses are the way that we explore the world and understand what is going on around us. Teaching  kids about their senses is very important. Activities that stimulate the senses help the brain to develop and function at its peak.
Teaching the kids about the five senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, touch) is a good way to help them understand their bodies. A lesson in the five senses is also great for self esteem because they are discovering new and exciting things about themselves.

In Math we will sort objects by color and size, we will practice writing and counting numbers 1-5,and we will keep doing graphing activities.

Rhyme of the Week:


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