WEEK OF APRIL 13-17, 2015

Dear Parents,

This week we are going to learn about the letter Vv. The vocabulary we will focus on is: VAN, VEGETABLES, VEST, VIOLIN, VOLCANO, VILLAGE,VETERINARIAN,VASE,VACUUM,VINE, VULTURE.

story of the week:

More stories to read:

Rhyme of the week:

In Math we will be focusing on number words one and two. We will continue working with the clock, and we will be doing fun counting activities.



GO GREEN MONTH:  Our students and parents are reminded to take green actions in their classrooms and at home.  Students will be keeping a “GO GREEN” chart in their classroom to record these actions.   Recycling is one of these actions, so students are encourage to bring from home their cleaned and sorted paper, glass, aluminum, and plastic containers for recycling.   Also, our students are encouraged to wear green each Friday this month.

GO GREEN CLASSROOM COMPETION FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD AND ELEMENTARY - The environmental science students should have bought a poster chart to your classroom.  On this chart, students can keep track of their "green" actions.  They may add a dot/stick/X to each box when they:
- Recycle aluminum, paper, or plastic in the appropriate bin
- Save energy by turning off the computers, lights, and fan when leaving the classroom
- Conserve resources by using both sides of the paper
- Prevent waste production by using a reusable lunch box or thermos

BRICKS4KIDZ – Session 2 is this Friday, April 17. The sessions run from 3:15 to 4:15 and will be open for students in from kindergarten to grade five. There are spaces still available! You can register on Friday!  

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