WEEK OF APRIL 20-24, 2015

This week we will learn about the letter Ww. The vocabulary for this letter is: watermelon, wagon, whale, windmill, walrus, watch, wind, wave, waffles, window, worm, web.


More Stories to read:


Number words 1-5, counting activities,  shape cut and paste activities, patterns, clock.


Preschool zoo theme is an appropriate theme to introduce to the children about zoo. The children usually are fascinated by the zoo, and this is a great way to develop an appreciation and respect for animal life too !
In preschool zoo theme, children will learn :
  1. Mention zoo animal names.
  2. Types of zoo animal homes.
  3. Needs of zoo animal.
  4. The caretaker’s role.
What are the concepts for the children ?
  1. Mention zoo animal such as : zebra, elephant, camel. bear, tiger, monkey, kangaroo, giraffe, snake etc.
  2. A zoo is a place for animals.
  3. Zoo animals are kept in cages, fences or water.
  4. A person who feeds and takes care of the zoo animal is a zoo keeper.
  5. Veterinarian are animal doctors .
  6. Zoo animal needs food, water and shelter.


GO GREEN MONTH:  students are encouraged to wear green each Friday this month.

SUMMER CAMP – Discovery Zone 6 is back! Get an early registration! The Summer Camp will run
from June 8-26, from 8:00 to 11: 50 a.m. Please ask Ms. Valencia Duron for more information

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