This week we will begin a unit on families. On Monday, each student will bring home a big letter F. Your job is to help your child glue some pictures of your family and some pictures of things that are important and special to your family.  Please send this project back to school on Monday, December 12.

Also, on Monday morning, Ms. Gisella Kotschote and Ms. Wendy Willemsen will visit our class to decorate a Christmas tree. The children already made several decorations for the tree.  If your family has a special tradition during the holiday season that you would like to share with the class, please contact us and we can set up a visit to the class.  An easy cooking activity or art project related to the holiday season would be much appreciated for next week or the week after. 

 In Math, we will introduce the number 8 and 9 and we will be reviewing the numbers 1 to 7 through various games and activities.

 Every day we have been practicing the letters of the alphabet using the zoo-phonics method. The children really enjoy doing the sounds and the movements of each letter.



Remember that our Song fest will take place on Thursday, December 15th at 6:00 p.m. Please let us know if your child will be able to participate in this event. All parents are invited.
 Students should come dressed in black bottoms (pants, skirts) and a green, red or white shirt for the presentation.

CHRISTMAS SUPPORT STAFF BASKETS : As a tradition at Discovery School, we are starting our drive for the support personnel holiday baskets. Please send these items no later than Tuesday, December 13th

Pre Kinder   1 5-lb bag of beans

Help wanted!!

 Please send a broom stick to school no later than Monday 12th.

 Ms. Gigi and Ms.Vivian

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