The first full week of school went really well. The children are settling into their new class routines and procedures. They are developing important social skills like sharing, waiting for their turn, and working cooperatively.  We want to thank to all the parents who came to our open house it was nice getting to know you, and thank you for signing up for the different celebrations we will be having throughout the year. We also want to thank you for the items you chose to donate to our class from the wish list. If you haven't done so and would like to donate some items to our classroom please choose from the following list: paper towels, prizes for the prize box, gently used toys and children’s books, magazines,ziploc-bags,lysol wipes.

During this week we will learn about One-to-one correspondence. The children will develop the understanding that one group has the same number of things as another. This concept is preliminary to counting and basic to the understanding of equivalence and the concept of conservation of number.

     We will also continue learning about shapes and colors. This week we will introduce the color yellow and the triangle shape.

     On Monday August 20th we will sing Happy Birthday to Katina Alvarado, her parents will bring  cake and juice to share with both classes. Please just pack a light snack in your child’s lunchbox.

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