Congratulations to our students for completing another successful quarter ,we hope you are ready for an exciting second semester.  We have many exciting activities planned for the students and know that this semester will be one of growth and learning. 

This week we have been reviewing the concepts learned last semester including: Zoo Phonics A-M, counting objects up to 9, classroom rules and behavior expectations, and fine motor skills.  Next week we will be talking about living-non living and will be doing a science experiment to learn about these concepts. 

  We will introduce the sight word is and we will learn how to identify the beginning sound in words.

In math we will introduce the number 10, and the children will order, write, count and group objects up to 10.

To commemorate the Day of Martin Luther King Jr., the children will read a book about his life and they will also learn a poem.


The DPTO is organizing an assembly for Friday, January 18 to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day (observed on Monday). The assembly will begin at 8:00 am, and parents are welcome to attend.


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