The students have been working hard to learn their letters and sounds. Last week we did several activities and games to learn how to identify the beginning sound in words. One of the games that the children liked was ¨I spy" in this game, the children need to guess the object that was spied and the only clue they have is the object´s first sound. Please be sure to practice the sounds of the letters at home!

We will continue to practice writing of lower case letters. Children should always begin their tall letters at the top because it helps them to visually structure the rest of the letter.

This week we will study animals and the children will learn about the basic needs of these living creatures.

We are willing to help you as parents encourage a love of reading with your children by providing good literature to be read at home. If you are interested, just let us know and we can loan some of our books to you!
 “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

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