Dear Parents:


The students enjoyed learning several facts about the zoo animals. They had fun playing animal domino and animal bingo and it was an excellent way of practicing the names of these animals.


This week we will learn:

Letter: Ff.
Vocabulary: fish, fan, fire, fox, five, flower, frog, football, flamingo
Numbers:  1 and 2 (nursery), 6 and 7(Pre K)

Concept: Making sets 1 and 2 objects (nursery) 6and 7 objects (Pre K)

Social Studies: Transportation.
Vocabulary: Car, Bus, Airplane, Sailboat, Helicopter, Train, Boat, Rocket
Phonemic awareness: Songs, The wheels on the Bus, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK5k5NTKm0w

 Row, row your boat.


Stories: The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnNVn5bPUXU

              Cars and Trucks and Things That Go by Richard Scarryhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rg6vYaPPkY



We will have a ¨Show and Tell ¨activity on Thursday, your child may bring a toy, book or a video related to transportation, for example a toy train or a toy car. The item will stay in school for the rest of the week; we will send it back on Thursday. Please be sure to mark the item that your child brings to school.

Please remember to contribute with ONE BOX OF COLORED PENCILS to help our junior students equip the rural school in Cayos Cochinos. If you are willing to donate these, please send them in this week.
DPTO MOVIE NIGHT THIS THURSDAY MARCH 14, 2013 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.!!! The DPTO will be showing "Madagascar 3" for students Nursery to grade 2, and "The Avengers" for grades 3 and up. They will also be selling popcorn, pizza and drinks.


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