Dear Parents,

This week we will be learning about the letter Bb.
The vocabulary for this letter is: bee, bat, ball, bird, book, bear, balloon, bag, bell, box, beaver.

We will be reviewing our theme  ''My School'' vocabulary: pencil, crayons, eraser, sharpener, ruler, scissors, glue, colors, markers.

We will be doing ''All about me '' activities like ''My name is Special'' were we will read the book Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes and we will do a week of fun activities to go along with this terrific book.
Chrysanthemum is a mouse who grows up loving her unique name—until she goes to school. The other mice tease her for having such a long and unusual name.  That is, until they meet their music teacher, who has a fantastic and flowery name of her own.

Some of the stories that we will be reading this week are:


In Math we will be learning number 1, sorting by color and size using buttons.

 Your son/daughter is going to be taking homework every Wednesday. We place the homework in their folders. Help us at home with this important routine in your child’s life!!

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY – As stated in our school calendar, the last Wednesday of every month is assigned for Teacher Professional Development. This Wednesday, August 27 is an early dismissal day for students (11:45 a.m.). We appreciate parents picking their child(dren) up promptly so our teachers can attend the professional development that has been planned for that day.


ECOFRIENDLY LUNCH DAY - Discovery students are aiming to be more "green" by recycling and reducing our waste production.  To promote this effort, the 10th grade Environmental Science students will be hosting Ecofriendly Lunch Day on Thursday, August 29th.  During recess, there will be games, activities, and prizes that will encourage students to pack a waste-free lunch.  Previous to this, environmental science students will be visiting classrooms to promote waste reduction and recycling.  Parents, please join with us in this effort and help your student pack a waste-free lunch each day.  For more information about waste-free lunches, please see http://www.wastefreelunches.org/


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